StaySail.Danmark was a Bed and Breakfast with ambition. These ambitions were: Being a hotel and restaurant. The most important still is happy and satisfied guests. Sailing with catamarans, dinghies, surfboards, kayaks, ribs, blokarts and yachts is a hobby which expanded into a small business which rented out almost all we have on our courtyard. We can not sit still, so now we are on the road with an old fire-truck and deliver and share our knowledge on Coffee and side-products.
1 opmerking:
Ja inderdaad het is prachtig in de sneeuw!
Wat een werk, maar straks een mooie beloning als het allemaal klaar is. Ik hou het in de gaten.
Veel succes verder met alle werk.
gr Wilma D (Bhof)
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